So Close Yet So Far….

As of Sunday, I’ve managed to make it (begrudgingly) to 32 weeks! Due to the repeat C-Section, the new girl will be yanked in August so 6 and a bit weeks left to go! It doesn’t sound like a long period of time right? Just a hop skip and a jump away! Shrug it off, no biggie, it’ll fly!! ……I tell myself this when I’m feeling particularly pouty about the subject. Until now, the weeks and months have flown. I can hardly believe I’m in my 8th month already! So why, WHY has time slowed to the speed of a geriatric grandfather snail sliming through a puddle of molasses with a pebble strapped to its shell?!?! Every day feels like an eternity. Sometimes I find myself trying to come to terms with the fact that I’m going to be pregnant forever. Logically I know that’s not possible, she IS going to vacate my premises, it just feels that way. 

(this was at 30 weeks, dressed up for the young master Pykes 3rd Birthday)

I’ve been trying to keep myself busy which is no easy feat in Greenwood. There is a serious lack of distraction in this smudge of a town. I actually wish I would get that nesting thing. My house could totally use an obsessive clean…Another lovely side effect (for me at least) of the later stages of pregnant, sheer and utter laziness. I don’t mean like, “I’ll get to it later” kind of lazy, no no. I mean If I’m not leaving my house I don’t get dressed. And not because I’m comfortable in my skivvies, but because it’s a waste of clean clothes which I later have to wash and then fold and then lug up the stairs and put away…My spot on the couch has a permanent ass groove and I make my kid let the dog in and out. I’ve reached new and pitiful levels of low…It’s sad. 

I do have a few things to be thankful for tho. Like, my brief stint of general ache’s and pains seems to have passed for the most part. My hips still throb when I sleep but after being up and mobile for a bit, it seems to ebb away. Braxton hicks are getting stronger but I’m pretty sure I’ve just gotten used to feeling like a boob in a mammogram. With the exception of the odd day here and there, I’ve regained my energy and don’t feel the need to go to bed at the same time as my toddler. Oh! And my personal favorite, I don’t waddle 😀 Not even a little! I didn’t with the bot (girl one) either but figured it was a fluke. Although my OB did say my invading alien appears to be breech like her sister, so maybe that has something to do with it? I’m convinced breech babies are just comfortable to carry. Aside from the odd head wedged under my ribs, her ninja skills, although getting stronger as she runs out of training room, don’t seem to bother me as much as I hear feet stuck in places do. Speaking of feet tho, I’m pretty sure my ninja has at least one dangling down and clawing at my cervix with her toe talons…Super comfy…

(32 weeks)

So, with just under two months left to go, I don’t think I’m doing too bad. We got a new MUCH lighter car seat, the peanut carrier for my stroller came in the mail courtesy of my Mom and we’ve bought one box of newbie diapers and a few sleepers. Doesn’t sound like much but we don’t need a whole lot. Her room still hasn’t even been started but I have plans to get on that next week. The man boy and I have begun telling our girl that her sister is coming soon. She seems to get the general idea and appears happy to be able to actually see her instead of just a ginorma-belly. She’s already scheduled to make her debut a week early but a fat ole’ mama can hope for sooner right? Now if I could just get time to speed up…

Miss K ❤