Home sweet home…alone

Sitting here in my living room with the TV on for background noise, I thought of an idea for post number two. I mentioned in the last entry that the Man Boy is in the military. Being in his line of work comes with its ups and downs. Some of the plus’ include, job stability, cheap housing, the ability to re muster or, change trades….There are more…I’m just having some difficulty thinking of any right now. Reason being, one of the many ups/downs I’m speaking of just happens to be taking place right now. The plus for him is that he’s in Scotland for three weeks on an exercise…The down side? I have been left behind to hold down the fort…Now, this isn’t entirely “all” bad. I get to watch what I want, ( except of course when Miss Gwen loudly suggests otherwise) I get the whole bed to myself, ( assume starfish position!!) I get to gorge myself on such deliciousness as salmon, ( He despises the stuff) The PB & J is neatly tucked away in its respective cupboard, ( We’ll get to that little gem later…) And me and The miss get to do awesome girly things like eating mummies lip gloss or giving ourselves hand cream facials while enjoying dog food bonbons! One amazing happenstance I feel compelled to mention, the house has stayed strangely clean…er in his absence…I read a quote once that defines a boy as noise with dirt on it. I think the definition of a man is a little more complex.


noun: Large, sometimes hairy individual. Has selective hearing, because of this can at times seem slow. Some of the species can be charming and may even shower you with lavish gifts. Be wary, this is bait.

Strengths: Superior upper body strength excellent for taking out the garbage, carrying tired children, and arm wrestling to defend your honor. Brave enough to test out one of your new recipes, smart enough to lie and tell you how much he loves it.

Weaknesses: A memory of about three seconds, does not always think carefully before answering “how do I look” questions. Slow reaction time causing you to resemble a broken record and or a nag.

Side note: Beware of feet. Never sniff test a mans clothing to check for cleanliness. Always assume it is dirty and re wash.

I love him, he knows it 🙂

Well, I’m off to booby trap my front porch, close the curtains, lock and barricade the doors and windows and arm myself with a frying pan for the night.

Goodnight Neverland!

Miss K ❤

I think I can

My first post…As if my introduction wasn’t hard enough. Not to mention the name, my name…even this very sentence! Something tells me I’m putting way to much thought into this…Alas I am a thinker. Not in the visually pleasing Auguste Rodin statue kind of way. Or the Sheldon Cooper problem solving physicist kind of way…Hell I wouldn’t even put me in the same class as Wile e coyote! I am the kind of thinker that will lie in bed for three hours, staring at the ceiling because I can’t shut my brain off…When we go camping and “nature calls,” I can’t go more than two feet into the woods without an escort because I’m thinking of all the oogy boogy’s lurking in the shadows, waiting for me to drop my knickers and assume the very venerable squat position. I’m not a complete basket case but I have even gone as far as to plan an escape route in lieu of the zombie apocalypse. I mean, it can’t hurt to be ready for every possible situation right? I suppose you could chalk it up to an extremely over active imagination. My fiancé just calls it plain crazy. Speaking of fiance’s, I have one! Yeah!!! The “man boy” and I got engaged Christmas Eve. I still check out my fantastic finger disco ball in every possible lighting situation. I guess now would be a good time for a few introductions. Exhibit A, the man boy. My Dude love Is a military man, which means a military life,which translates into, we now live in Nova Scotia Canada. Not exactly my cup of tea but it does kind of grow on you. Like the small herd of woman I have fallen in friend love with since moving here. They will most likely flit in and out of my posts now and then. The only other VIP that definitely will land a starring role is my little squatter, we’ll call her Miss Gwen. This little doll is the reason for my constant beaming smiles, as well as a great many future wrinkles. Of course I don’t have any yet…no no, I’m as smooth as the bottom I change daily. It was meant as a metaphor, not a reflection of my current and wonderfully radiant skin…Not that I’m concerned or anything…ahem…where were we? Miss Gwen, right…She most definitely rules the roost. If I cook an amazing palate pleasing meal and she thinks the dog would appreciate it more than she does, well then the dog eats good that night. If she wants to throw all my couch cushions on the floor because they obviously look better there…I guess I could get into sitting on the floor…If she decrees watching Disney Junior would be more entertaining for me then Ellen, that’s cool, I’m really feeling the girl power vibe of Strawberry Shortcake anyway…Needless to say, I used to think you wanted to wear the pants in the relationship. Now? Now I want to wear the diaper…And that folks is pretty much all I have in me for tonight. I think I may even be out of thoughts?! Maybe this blogging business will actually do a lady some good! Sort of like a brain yoga…I could get into that.

Miss K ❤