Sweet Salvation Is In Sight!

The sun is shining! No turning back! Nothin’s gonna stop me now!! 35 weeks people! I can think of a thousand songs to describe my mood right now, but the one that seems to fit the best…


Yep that about sums it up! It’s a rather frustrating and equally miserable feeling really. All that weight and baby you gain over the span of 9 months suddenly let’s go. Like someone snipping the cables on a suspension bridge. To put in into perspective, up to 8 lbs of baby, 1-3 lbs of boob, 1-2 placenta, 1-2 uterus, about 3 lbs of amniotic fluid, 4 lbs of blood, 8-10 lbs added fat and protein storage (if you’re lucky) and about 4 lbs of body fluids….All that comes crashing down into your pelvis leaving you with the urge to pee EVEN MORE if that’s even possible, a lovely bone grinding into your lady bits feeling, hip, butt and back pain, followed by more intense braxton hicks! Isn’t pregnant fun?! There are also a few unmentionable things that shall remain unmentionable because I do not want nor feel a need to mention them…

The bonus to this “lightening” (oh so very wrongly named) is less heart burn which I never got in the first place….The ability to eat a regular sized meal, again, never a problem, and no more breathlessness! Well, the only time I feel breathless is when I walk, not jog or run or skip, but walk up the stairs. I thought about installing a sensor and speaker in the bottom step that would play the theme from Rocky for motivation…

One especially weird symptom I’ve been experiencing lately is the dreams. They’re all water! Always water! I’m swimming in an Olympic sized pool, buying bottles of water, rivers over flowing…Last night was especially strange. I dreamt that two other women and I were trying to discover why a certain breed of fish was going extinct. We started at the spawning grounds and made our way up-stream to a pond which opened to a river that lead to the ocean where we ended up in Thailand?! Then we all showered naked in delicious hot, running water then I woke up…Odd. Although possibly symbolic no? I don’t know about the naked shower bit but whatever.

All I can say is thank the lawd I only have a little over three weeks to go! Lazy has turned into lump. As in I am a couch lump. I have no  wish what so ever to leave my soft comfortable couch nest. Socializing with friends now feels about as desirable as a jury duty. I am a complete and total antisocial hermit.  I don’t  want to be, but the thought of leaving my house is anything but pleasant. So not me. The exact opposite in fact. I can’t wait to be me again. I would much rather feel like a dairy cow then a house. BUT! I’m almost there. The clouds are parting and the 23rd awaits 🙂

Miss K ❤