Balls! Balls of Energy!

  Ok so at 28 weeks I have apparently reached the sheer exhaustion part of pregnancy…I mean, I’m still chipper! I still go places and do things. I’m just a little, uh, slower? I blame it on the no sleep factor. Between not being allowed to sleep on my back, said back in an almost constant state of ache, my hips feeling like they are going to pop off my body, on going bathroom olympics and just general pregnancy induced insomnia, sleep officially sucks…It kills me to think I’ve got another 10+ weeks of this…ugh…Normally I would just ingest copious amounts of coffee, (or hook a sista up intravenously…) but yet again, pregnant ruins everything and I’m only allowed one measly cup! grrrrrr…. No energy drinks, which of course means no jager bombs. Drunken vibrating fetus anyone? Not exactly good parenting.

So what’s a dopey sleep deprived zombie to do? Ice cold showers and toothpick eyelid propping are out. I’m quickly running out of steam for brisk rejuvenating walks. To be honest, I just want to sit on my ass and wallow in my roundness. Oh, and eat food. Which brings me to balls! I made energy balls! I’ve never made them before and don’t know how much energy they’re going to give me but they taste fantastic! I tried to find a simple recipe but kept coming up short on ingredients, so I took a little from column A, little from column B and just went with it! Now I know it’s not Friday, but they were so good I had to share, like now. And voilà! 

Go with the flow Energy Balls: 

1 cup oatmeal (some recipes called for quick oats but I just used the regular stuff and they turned out great)

1/2 cup honey

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup coconut

1/4 cup chia seeds

2 Tbsp cocoa powder

1/3 cup dark chocolate chips or chunks

The process was super difficult…Dump it in a bowl and mix. Yep. When it’s all smooshed together, pop it in the fridge for at least 30 mins to chill then shape into balls and store in an airtight container for up to a week in the fridge. 

They turned out sticky, sweet and satisfying! You could add all kinds of stuff to put a different spin on them. Nuts, spices, dried fruit, the possibilities are endless! Great snack that was preggo and toddler approved 😉 

Miss K ❤

The Renfrew House…

Over the past few days, My niece, (who likes to think of herself as a Disney princes) has been bunking with us. The girls have been happily playing and reconnecting in a way only cousins seem to be able to do. No shy moments, no uncomfortable silences, no awkward pauses. Nothing but happy smiles, squeals of delight and lots and lots of high-pitched girly laughter. Of course there were a some hiccups. Two kids under 5, it’s bound to happen. Most of our issues were solved with a quick trip to the dollar store for a few matching items to remedy the chorus of “mines.” Other than that and sudden moments of play induced starvation, I hardly noticed there were two rug monkeys in my house. Much to my delight, they pretty much entertained themselves! Brought back a lot of awesome childhood memories…

My grandma is one amazing lady. This spry young thang would pack all 8 of us (9 now but the youngest wasn’t around yet in those days ;P) into her 3 bedroom bungalow every summer and over march break. You would think that would be all kinds of hectic right? Nope! Not for Grandma! Sleeping arrangements were determined by separating the ringleaders from the rest of the herd. Although, there were still plenty of doors cracked followed by squinty eyed, guilty, giggling children and a stern shushing tone ;P We had assigned seating for mealtimes with the older ones in between the under the table kickers and the girls always had one of Gram’s fresh smelling roses in its own little vase. Everyone had a chore to do no matter how small. Things like mixing the juice in the pitcher, (aptly named Miss-stir-stick) popping a can in the blue bin, grabbing yet another bag of milk from the fridge downstairs, setting the table, buttering toast…The list goes on. Grandma always seemed to find a way of making chores fun. Even doing the dishes turned into loading all the kids on the school bus. The little kids (small spoons and forks) sat up front and the bad boys (steak knives) had to ride in back. We learned that the word bored had many definitions  but being bored wasn’t one of them, and  quietude and but stop meant business! Her whole house and everyone in it ran like a well oiled machine. To this day I don’t understand how the heck she did it…

Some of my best summer memories were spent with my cousins in that little bungalow. We were built-in best friends. We climbed the old birch tree out front until the day it was cut down. We were each rocked to sleep on G.P’s green chair until we grew too big for his lap and the chair lost its rock. We had our favorite toys that we left there, ready and waiting to be played with again when we came back to claim them. (Mine was a green bucket with a purple hippo on it that Remy now plays with) We knew every hiding place, remembered every smell, memorized every creak and groan of the hardwood. We peered out the old windows covered in countless sun catchers and stained glass hummingbirds.  We loved that little house for the time we were able to spend in it together. And then we grew up…When it sold, it hurt a little. Like it would somehow keep a piece of my childhood with it and I’d never get it back. I know it was just a house, but it was our house. I’m just glad my girl got to see it. She got to smell its smells, hear it’s creaks and feel it’s well-worn rugs under her feet.

We loved that little house…

Miss K ❤

Three Strikes and She’s Out!

I have reached the long-awaited third trimester and if I wasn’t such a walrus, I’d jump up and down. So far, this pregnancy has been very different and very much the same as my first girls. The first major difference that comes to mind is the fact that this one was planned. We don’t like to call our girl an accident or an oops, she’s referred to as an unexpected surprise. If I told you I was in shock I’d be lying. It was more of a temporary coma…Minor brain lapses aside, it was a fabulously easy pregnancy, as is this one.

Neither of my first trimesters have plagued me with morning sickness or extreme fatigue. (although I was a little more tired this time) I’ve had no heartburn, despite the fact that girl number one was born with more hair than skin, and I don’t really have any complaints in the general aches and pains department. I know I know, F me right? Ya, having uneventful pregnancies doesn’t seem to inspire particularly nice thoughts among other baby farmers… I guess the only real differences I’ve noticed are that everything seems to happen sooner the second time. You get bigger faster, you feel movement earlier, the ability to shave and put on socks disappears much MUCH faster…

My problem is that I just don’t particularly enjoy being someone elses house for 9 months. I don’t love the fact that when I go swimming I resemble a giant sea cow. Manatee isn’t really my best look…I hate that It’s not considered good parenting to slurp back pitchers of sangria on a hot summer day, or that things like sushi and blue cheese are off the menu.Ach! I especially hate the waiting. I am the single most impatient person on the planet. Waiting patiently is not my forte! And then there’s the complete and total lack of control over my own damn body! I feel like bulbous marionette with an asshole puppeteer tugging on my strings…

Look a commercial about orange juice! Cry now!

I don’t care if you ate 5 minutes ago, you’re hungry again!

Your husband just walked in the door, you will now be mad at him. Don’t ask questions! You’re mad cause I say you’re mad!

I’ve also noticed that the smallish creature residing in my belly is not all that’s on my mind. With girl one, it was all I could think about. I read everything I could find about pregnancy, I had weekly updates emailed to me from 20 different websites, I thought about her 24-7, I had her room painted before we even knew she was a she…Even after all the prepping and planning, I didn’t feel ready. Everything had to be perfect, all her gear had to be ready and waiting, bags pack etc etc etc. This time? I have something like 11 weeks left and her room hasn’t been started. I haven’t bought any clothes because girl one has been the best dressed missus in town and I kept all my favorites just in case 😉 I’m so nonchalant about the whole thing! If it wasn’t for this massive belly I’d forget I was pregnant! She’ll be inner ninjaing it up in there and I’m like, oh ya! I’m an incubator! I swear my brains not firing on all cylinders….

So at the end of August, the Man Boy will be severely outnumbered. Poor guy. 3 ladies, 4 if you count the dog. He says he’s going to hole up in a battered old shack somewhere in the woods once a month until all visions of pink and pretty leave his brain. He jokes of course….I think…To be honest, (and he agree’s but I didn’t tell you that) girls suit him. He’s a good man with a soft heart, overflowing with love and affection for his leading ladies. His only downfall is the fact that girl one totally and completely knows how to play her poor unsuspecting daddy. I can only assume the he will meet the same suckerish fate when there’s two sets of lashes batting at him. Time will tell, not much longer now!

Miss K ❤

We Have A Pool!!

I’m still kind of in shock. I look out my window every two seconds to make sure it’s still there and I didn’t imagine it. I mean, it’s not a pool pool. It’s one of those oversized kid friendly ones that comes up to about your knees but I’m so incredibly happy with the damn thing I’m writing a post about it! I guess you could say it was a surprise…I asked the Man Boy if we could get one that the girl could play in and I could sit in. I should have known what was going to happen seeing as I sent him pool shopping by himself. Bigger is always better with this guy…Our first summer camping with the girl, we needed a new tent. I tell him to pick us out a nice tent that the playpen would fit in. He brought home a fabric palace….I shit you not, this thing is huge. It has three rooms and a foyer. A friggen foyer!? So really, I should have known my thoughts of a nice little wading pool would turn out to be the new home base for the synchronized swimming team…I gotta say tho, he timed his purchase with the first heat wave of the year. The girl and I had our first dip this morning and…Well….Oh my god It was awesome! As I shimmed my pregnant self back against the side and assumed frog legged, feet touching, head back position. All I could think was how much I loved my husband.

I always wanted a pool as a kid. I remember sitting in our tiny wader in the front yard and hearing the neighborhood kids splashing and playing in their in ground pools…Ya I wa jealous. Crazy jealous! I wanted to cannonball into that cool chemical laden water too. I wanted to feel my eyes burn from diving after those weighted rings over and over again. I wanted my lips to turn blue and start shaking uncontrollably because I just plain didn’t wanna get out! But no, there I sat, in ankle-deep water. I tried to convince my parents to get an above ground pool. I used to frantically point my fingers at the happily smiling fake families in the Canadian tire flyer, in hopes that they too would see how marvelous our lives could be. But alas, no pool. I can’t really blame them, (now, not then) we were always camping or cottaging. When you have a lake, you don’t need a pool. I didn’t mind that the water wasn’t crystal clear or that I was sharing my swimming hole with pollywogs and water skitters. Naw. As long as we were at the lake, I would tell myself, you can’t catch a fish or a frog in a pool! But I couldn’t take the lake with me. And so, I would return to sitting in my plastic puddle, silently hating all those splashing happy kids…Unless of course I was invited over, then I loved them 😉

You may not be able to swim in our pool. It’s more of a sit and chill kind of thing. But I love it. It’s big enough (and deep enough) for a floatation device of some sort. I see myself happily floating, big ole’ belly soaking up the sun with a drink in my hand. Non alcoholic of course…Not that that’s any more fun :/All in all! Good Job hubbie, your wife is one happy lady 😉

Miss K ❤

Flapjack Friday vol. 3

I know it’s a little late for breakfast but it was entirely too gorgeous outside to sit and write this morning.  29! Feels like 34 and I’m loving every second, pregnant or not! I will admit I’d love it even more if I were chilling by the lake and sleeping under the stars tonight, but alas, the Man Boy has to work tomorrow :/

Our beautiful morning was spent playing in the yard, running through the sprinkler, (no, I wasn’t running. This is not a running body…) decorating the driveway with sidewalk chalk and eating copious amounts of watermelon. It was a good morning! Now the girl is napping and I’m kicking back on my couch enjoying the breeze drifting through the windows with my dress hiked up around my hips….Wait, what? Forget that part…. Anyways! On to more important and tasty things!

I’m not sure what to call this sort of pancake. It’s not exactly a pancake or at least it’s not your typical pancake…I really can’t tell you how amazing this tastes. There is more egg then flour, giving it this amazing custardy texture that will cause an involuntary mmmm or an oh my god…I’m not even kidding. Make it, try it,love it. Then hit me up for an “I told you so.”

(craptastic picture, ipod’s convenient what can I say :/)

Apple Cinnamon Pan Pancake: 

2 tablespoons butter
2 apples, peeled, cored and sliced
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
3 eggs
1/2 cup milk
2 tablespoons flour
1/4 teaspoon baking powder

Combine brown sugar and cinnamon and set aside.

Whisk together eggs and milk.

Mix together flour and baking powder and whisk like a mad woman/man, into the egg  mixture.

In a pan, (If you have cast iron cool, if not no biggie, it’s not in the oven long enough to do damage.) heat butter, add the apple slices and 1 tablespoon of the brown sugar mixture and  soften. About 5 minutes.

Pour the batter over the apples and sprinkle the remaining brown sugar on top.

Bake until puffy, fluffy and delicious! 15-20 mins.

I like to drizzle a tad of REAL maple syrup on top but you can add whatever your heart’s desire. It’ll be phenomenal any way you choose. Promise.

Miss K ❤

The Mermaid Continued….To boob or not to boob?

Recap! Miss Mel had a rough pregnancy and a less than smooth labor, the little lovely was born with a tracheoesophageal fistula which she’s had a very successful surgery to correct, beautiful baby has graduated from the NICU and moved to the general surgery ward, (yay!!) and has been successfully drinking both pumped breast milk and formula from bottles and has started to attempt nursing! GASP!! Ok now that we’re breathing, part two of our story will address Bottle Vs Breast. It’s a tough one and probably one of the more controversial topics on the internet. Here we go…

As you can imagine, Miss Mel has been under a considerable about of stress. Aside from the standard new parent worries, she has had to deal with medical conditions, surgery’s, Dr’s and nurses out the wazoo, tubes, wires, attempting sleep at a hospital…The list goes on. The fact that this tough ass Mama even kept up with the pumping was, I think, pretty incredible! So naturally, when her first attempts at breastfeeding were met with frustration and a fussy baby, it was a little discouraging to say the least. To add to the headache, The Mermaid had to be weighed on a less than perfect scale, before and after feedings, to make sure she was getting the proper amounts. Oy!

Nursing is supposed to be natural, relaxed, even pleasurable! These were not the feelings being expressed by our poor run down Mama…And so our damsel in distress was faced with a choice. The wee urchin was conquering the bottle like a champ but struggling with the breast. In order to lose the feeding tube altogether, she needed to be getting in a full feeding every time, AND start packing on the pounds. After much consideration, a ton of Mom guilt and feeling like a quitter, Miss Mel decided to give up on BF. I honestly can’t say that I blame her! Breastfeeding is hard under normal circumstances. There was a lot on the poor womans plate! So, she had a meeting with her lactation consultant and told her of her decision. Fast forward a bit, Dr comes into her room. He tells her he talked to lacto lady and they had come up with a solution. She would not give up, she would continue. Um….sorry what? His argument was that suckling from the breast would be more beneficial to her learning to take food into her mouth and swallow and that the LM would now be treated as an everyday, run of the mill, new baby learning to BF. No more weigh ins, no more stress.  Miss Mel agreed and here we are!

My argument is that I have no argument. Do I think breast milk is the best thing for baby? Yes. Do I think It’s wrong to give your baby formula instead? No. I believe it is totally and completely the mother’s (or parent’s) choice. The truth is, guilt starts from conception. There are articles and groups and comments everywhere fighting for one side or the other. Mothers who choose to formula feed their babies are called stupid, selfish, lazy. They are attacked, (sometimes publicly!) by lactivists blatantly stating how wrong and horrible they are for bottle feeding. Why? What is there to gain from degrading another Mother? Isn’t there enough worry and uncertainty accompanying parenthood? Don’t we all understand how hard it is, constantly wondering if you’re doing the right thing?

I personally breast-fed my girl until she was about 3 months old, and like so many before us, we struggled in the beginning. Like Miss Mel, I too had a C-Section. The nurse that gave me my first lesson in breast feeding told me to try the football hold so I wouldn’t rest my girl on my incision. Ya, that was crap. The most amusing and sweet part of our learning process was that the Man Boy was the one to actually show me how to do it! He just sat beside the hospital bed, head in hands and directed me on how to line her up and get her on there. When I looked at him slack-jawed and shocked, he just shrugged and said he just knew that’s how it was supposed to be done. It still baffles me haha! That being said, if the girl wasn’t such an efficient nurser from the get go, I don’t know how long I would have kept it up. In all honesty, I wasn’t the biggest fan initially. It was hard, it felt strange, it hurt like hell and good god do infants ever eat a lot! Every 3 hours, sometimes 2 1/2 during growth spurts! I developed this deep inner understanding and sympathy for the life of a jersey cow. Eventually things got easier, it started to hurt less and my boobs stopped behaving like Niagara Falls. (I was a milk making machine) It went from feeling like something I had to do to something that I was ok with doing. There were a few sentimental moments when all felt right in my world, and I actually enjoyed it, but for the most part, I breast-fed because I knew it was the best thing for her and like most parents, I wanted the best for my child.

I know women who love it, I know women who hate it, and some, like me, do it simply because it’s what you do! There are so many reasons, some medical, some personal, that a women might choose not to breastfeed. But it is simply and totally that. A choice. Mother’s from both sides of the story are just trying to do what they feel is best for their children. I believe that breast feeding Mother’s deserve our support. They shouldn’t feel the need to excuse themselves in order to feed their hungry children. If bottles are acceptable in public places, so should a boob! It’s just a boob for crying out loud! I also believe that Mom’s who choose formula should not be chastised and critiqued, and made to feel less of a women. Bottle feeding Mums deserve our support too! You are not poisoning your child, or neglecting them, or providing them with a poor excuse for a nutritious meal. Thats Bull! Whatever you choose to feed your baby, as long as you feed your baby, (applause) that’s all that should matter. Well fed, satisfied, happy growing babies. Formula or breast milk, you are a good Mom!

Miss K ❤

The Little Mermaid Makes Her Debut! (A two-parter)

So I have some fantastic news! It’s a little belated but fantastic none the less. I am proud to announce the birth of the beautiful Miss Mel’s little mermaid 🙂 After a long and difficult 38 weeks of pregnancy, the LM was delivered into the world via C-Section after yet again, poor Miss Mel’s body decided to give her a hard time. This Murphy’s law of a pregnancy started out with a bicornuate uterus, moved on to a Subchorionic Hematoma, add a little gestational diabetes and complete the whole shebang with a dash of  polyhydramnios. I mean really? Who did she piss off to get all that in one go?! And just to really test her sanity, the mermaid was born a few weeks early complete with two, yes two amniotic sacks. (yes it’s possible) The first one burst on its own and the second had to be ruptured by the doc. craziness! Her labor stopped progressing so she was started on pitocin which, surprise surprise, didn’t work, so off to the ER she went. The LM was born at 2:55am on May 8th weighing in at a whopping 5lbs 15oz. The proud parents took their little beauty back to their room for some counting of toes and general moments of “awwww.” When the little water baby started coughing and struggling to breathe, they knew something was up. The Nurses took her for some tests telling them she would be back in their arms in a few short minutes. But of course, if it’s going to happen to anyone, it’s going to happen to Miss Mel, a few minutes took somewhat longer…The Mermaid was diagnosed with a tracheoesophageal fistula and would need surgery to correct it. I mean, throw the poor woman a bone already!!

The LM was whisked off to sick kids in Toronto, doting Papa at her side while poor Mel had to stay put until she could be discharged after her section. Heart wrenching…A few days later, she was given the go ahead to get her anxious self to TO to be with her girl before her surgery. The mermaid passed with flying colours and was cozied up in the NICU to recover. She was given a sedative and a muscle relaxant to keep her nice and calm while her stitches healed a bit. After 5 days of spaghetti babyness, the LM opened her pretty peepers to gaze into her parents relieved and loving eyes. *(tear!!)

Most babies practice swallowing in utero so that their throat muscles are at the ready for feeding. Because of the TEF, the LM had no previous experience with this swallowing business so she had to learn. So, after being fed through a tube for literally her entire little life, The mermaid had her very first bottle of pumped breast milk on May 22! Doesn’t sound like much but to someone who had  never actually eaten food of any kind, this was a seriously big deal!

Things were looking up for our little water baby! Real food, shiny new esophagus, amazing new parents…What more could a wee girl want? Well, to go home for one! But in order for that to happen, she would need to be eating a full feedings worth, gaining weight and be  thumbs up medically. This brings us to part two of her story. The battle of the boob and weather in this case a bottle is better….Cue suspenseful music! Stay tuned!

Miss K ❤

Expelliarmus Grapejuiceium!

I am not afraid of many things and like to think of myself as a rather brave gal. There are a few exceptions of course. Leeches, ticks, earwigs, living in Greenwood forever and vomit. I am seriously vomit-phobic. There’s even a word for it! Emetophobia: an intense, irrational fear or anxiety pertaining to vomiting.

I was always a really healthy kid. My sister on the other hand…Normal people get a stomach virus for a day or two. This kid could puke for a week and take another week to fully recover. This was particularly distressing for me seeing as we shared a room….I remember tying scarves around my face, arming myself with a can of lysol and ninjaing my way into our room to grab clothes or my blankets. I’d set up shop in what I declared a disease free zone…My brothers room or curled up with the dog. 

I am the biggest germaphobe when it comes to puke. If someone so much as spits in my direction I start washing my hands every 5 seconds, wiping down whatever surfaces the infected may have touched and almost immediately developing symptoms. It’s horrible. As soon as there’s a sick person within a 20 mile radius I swear I’m coming down with whatever they have. There is no exception for my own child who just so happened to come down (or up) with a belly bug just yesterday. Poor thing. This is one of those times where I really should not be a Mother. I can’t handle it! I mean, I do my duty! I hold her hair, I clean her up, I remove whatever nastiness didn’t make it to the toilet. I cringe and probably do a shoddy job of hiding the look of  pure disgust on my face but I do it! The worst part is when she wants to kiss me or cuddle with me. That is when I become the worst parent in the world. I would rather keep her on a towel covered area of the couch, which may or may not be on the opposite side that I’m on. I’d prefer to rub her back when she needs comforting because I know that’s the least likely spot for hostile germ takeover. Granted, she did help me get over my irrational fear of all things puke ever so slightly. She was a spitter. Like should have come with a warning label kind of spitter. I could not for the life of me figure out how she was gaining any weight. She’s spew at least half of what I fed her! Our Dr would tell me when she started sitting up on her own it would probably stop. Nope. Then he said when she started solids. Nope. All that did was make it smell like actual puke! Blech! That stuff wasn’t too hard to deal with tho. Baby spit and real vomit are two completely different things. I actually dread school days. School aged children are like walking germ warfare , timed and ready to go off  like an infectious version of hiroshima….Ugh. I just shuddered…

So aside from obsessive hand washing, praying and wishing on every shooting star, eyelash, and birthday candle that the nastiness doesn’t get me, what is a crazy weirdo like me to do? Drink copious amounts of grape juice of course! It’s an old wives tale that seems to have a bit of science behind it. Supposedly, if you drink 3 glasses of 100% grape juice a day for a few days after exposure, you stand a good chance of keeping the contents of your stomach well, in your stomach!

When you get the stomach flu it isn’t actually in your stomach. It hangs out in your intestines just waiting to mess things up and really ruin your day. The grape juice works by changing the Ph in your intestines to one that doesn’t let the virus multiply. Or at least not as much. It’s also loaded with anti viral properties, antioxidants and a healthy dose of vitamin C. Sounds good to me!

After the horrid round of whatever the hell tore through my sister in law’s house over Christmas, (Not a soul was spared) I found this little tip and have since put it to good use. Give it a try! Ya never know right? Anything’s better than nothing 😉

Miss K ❤

UPDATE! It was brought to my attention that I forgot to mention one crucial detail…Do NOT under any circumstances consume intensely purple coloured grape juice after you’ve already begun to show symptoms! It won’t be pretty…This is a BEFORE showing symptom remedy only…

It’s friday! Here, have some muffins!

Ok so I’m pregnant. 26 weeks on Sunday and always freakin hungry. Some days are worse than others. On these days of insatiable ravenous hunger, I like to refer to myself as the super pig.

Super Pig is my pregnant alter ego. Every now and then she emerges, starving and ready to consume anything within her grasp. This gluttonous wonder can plow through a full pancake breakfast, down a smoothie in one gulp, Hoover an entire tub of Liberte yogurt and dislocate her jaw in order to fit disgusting amounts of food in her gaping maw. When she has had her fill and successfully made me hate myself, she retreats back into the shadowy depths of my pregnantdom. Waiting. Watching. Planning her next move and when she will strike again…

This time around there is virtually nothing I won’t eat. With My first girl, I couldn’t stand the thought of meat. I remember eating one of my all time faves, BBQ’d ribs, and thinking about what I was actually putting in my mouth. Like, these were something’s ribs at one point! These tasty things (that weren’t so tasty anymore) used to incase pig lungs, protecting them so they could breathe safely behind they’re delicious saucy cage….Then I thought of the fact that I too had ribs which led to the realization that my unborn child also possessed smaller versions of these ribs…Then I almost puked. Sometimes having a vivid imagination is a curse people!

My current pregnancy does not prevent me from eating my way around the world in a day however. And this time, I have developed a beautiful and tender loving relationship with meat. Tender loving meat….tender….meat…..ahhhhhhh….I have a particular affection for all things beef. My current favorite being T-Rex sized T-Bone steaks. I’m not talking dainty knife and fork, carving off bite sized pieces and placing them delicately in my mouth and chewing every bite thoroughly.  Oh no. I mean stab it, hack it into hurried pieces and cram it in so I can get to the best part. The bone. Oh god…..It’s seriously embarrassing how much pleasure I get from gnawing red meat off the bone like some kind of rabid animal. My husband finds this incredibly fascinating  He sits there, chin resting in hand, and watches me like I’m in  a zoo on the wrong side of the glass. When I’ve all but licked my portion clean he slowly pushes his plate toward me so I can finish his. I think he’s afraid to startle me or something ….I love that for some reason, he still finds me sexy. As if that’s even possible…

Anyways! On a less vicious note! I have a really great Muffin recipe! What, you’re not hungry? …..Odd….Oh well! Here it is!

Magnificent Morning Glory Muffins! 

  • 1 ½ cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2  eggs
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • ⅔ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup crushed pineapple with juice
  • 1 cup grated carrots
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 2/3 cup unsweetened coconut

Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon and stir well to combine.

Beat eggs, sugar, oil and vanilla in a mixing bowl. Add flour mixture, pineapple, carrots, raisins and coconut and stir until moistened.

Fill well-greased (or lined) muffin cups 3/4 full and bake at 350 for 25-30 mins or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

These are really yum and totally customizable. And there’s no bones….I swear…


Miss K ❤

My happy place

Birds singing in the trees, water gently lapping at a rocky shore, The Hip playing on my iPod and the delicious smoky smell of a campfire. This is where I am most happy. It’s still too cold at night for a camping trip, but spending a good part of the day at the lake is just what the Dr. ordered.

It’s been pretty rainy and miserable here for the last little while. I know I know, spring showers bring flowers…blah blah blah…Weather’s crappy, end of story. Today was the only day in the next weeks forecast that didn’t include rain, so we packed a cooler and some camp chairs and headed to McGill. This is our favorite summer spot. True, there are other places that to some people may be just as nice, but this one… This one feels like ours. It’s this perfect little piece of land, almost completely surrounded by water. There are big shady trees lining the whole point and two different boat launch/beach areas coming off of either side. The water is dark making it bathtub warm in the summer and perfect for sunset trout fishing. We simply cannot get enough of the place! Needless to say, we are anxiously awaiting overnight temperatures to level off so we can start spending our weekends outside in a tent!

Much needed nap during the girls very first camping experience at 8 months…

Last year was our first full summer of camping with the girl. She loved it. Couldn’t keep her in the house. Or clean! It worked out great for us too! Long hot days with all that fresh air and sunshine makes for one tired kid! She loved the novelty of sleeping outside in a tent and this year she even gets her own air mattress 😉 We always make sure to bring toys and books to keep her occupied but when you have rocks, a stick and Daddy find’s you a snake…pfffff….who needs toys.


I always found it amusing when people would get that shocked expression on their faces after telling them we regularly camped with a one year old. We’d always get asked if it was a hassle  having to keep her entertained all the time. Or all the stuff we must have to bring. Honestly, aside from some toys, (that never really got played with) at the time, a playpen, diapers, wipes and kid friendly food, we  didn’t have to bring anything extra! This year will be even easier now that she’s potty trained and a little more independent  Then there’s the people who balk at me for camping while pregnant. To them I say, AIR MATTRESS! Oh, and a thunderbox, but I’ll get into that later 😉

And so here I sit on my couch, writing and smelling like camp fire. I am satisfied, smiling and rejuvenated.  Now if the weather would just cooperate, we could get back out there….

Miss K ❤