The Importance Of Being Beautiful

Being 33 weeks pregnant with another girl, I have come to the realization that there will be a lot of mirror time is my house. Once the wee lass’ reach their teen years, I honestly don’t think the poor man boy will ever see the bathroom again…

A friend of mine posted this article to Facebook: when your mother says she’s fat  It really got me thinking about the importance of self-image. As mothers, how we see ourselves can very well effect how our daughters view their own reflections.

When I was a little girl, I remember thinking my mom was the most beautiful women in the world. With her dark flowing curls, soft perfect skin, classy clicking “lady shoes” and the delicate scent of her Oscar de la Renta perfume, there was never a doubt in my mind. I had the prettiest mom. Not only was she gorgeous! She was smart and funny! She was charismatic, classy and elegant! I wanted to be just like her. I remember putting on her shoes and clacking around the house pretending I was a classy lady too. You can imagine my surprise when, as I got older, I realized my stunning Mother didn’t appreciate her beauty like I did. She would get compliments and brush them off with a wave of her hand and roll of her eyes. I remember the first time I heard the word fat leave her lips. I was terribly confused. My mom wasn’t fat? As the years went by and my ideas and opinions of self-image changed. I still thought my mom was beautiful. She did not. I started reading teen magazines and was exposed to tons of images of long-legged, long-haired, thin and smiling girls and like many other girls my age, thought that was what I was supposed to look like. I wasn’t fat by any means but I thought I was. When did it happen? I don’t know to be perfectly honest. I just remember flipping through pages and pages, watching my favorite shows, staring wide-eyed at movies with pretty girls in pretty clothes and I wanted to look just like them. I look back at pictures of myself and shake my head in disgust. What the hell was I so worried about? Why wasn’t I just out having fun instead of pining over some boy and wondering if I was “his type.” HIS TYPE!! That’s a problem right there! There are so many young girls out there concerned about being who other people want them to be that they forget to be themselves! Somewhere, somehow I figured this out…

Beauty is not defined by what we see in a mirror. Sure we all want to be physically appealing, but that is NOT what real beauty is! Beauty is how we feel, inside. It’s how we carry ourselves, how we treat others, how we SEE others! Beauty is in what we create. A painting, a cake, a sculpture, a life. It’s in our daily lives and it shines through our eyes or a smile or a laugh. It doesn’t mean we have a perfect little nose placed in the perfect location on our perfect face. If we were all perfect…wouldn’t life be boring? If we were all the same…would we want to be different…

Sure there are things about me I wish I could change, are they really that big of a deal? No. Yeah I have a bigger nose, but I have big eyes and lips too so it all balances out. No I’m not “thin.” Do I care? Not really. If I was really dissatisfied with my weight I could always go to the gym and sculpt myself into a more desirable shape. But desirable to who? I like my hips! My thighs may touch at the top and we’re told that’s not attractive but I like em that way! I have a butt, I have boobs! Good god do I ever….My hair is frustratingly neither curly or straight but that just means it can be easily styled both ways 😉 The point I’m trying to make is that there isn’t nearly enough self loving women out there. We need step outside of the box and look at the bigger picture. We are who we are, we can’t change that and why should we want to? We are all beautiful in our own way, not the same way. Embrace different! And while you’re at it, don’t put some much value in looks alone! Sure I tell my daughter how gorgeous she is, but I also tell her that she’s smart and kind and funny. That I love her bravery and her carefree belly laugh.

I’m not sure if there was a hard point to this post. I’m not even sure it makes a whole lot of sense or sends a message or whatever! This is where my mind wandered to today so this is what you get 😛

Ladies, be kind to yourselves. Not only will it do you a world of good, but you never know who’s watching 😉

Miss K ❤

some of the most beautiful gals I know 😉

How to look fabulous in pictures? Make friends with a photographer, I highly recommend it…

I was the girl who hid from the camera.

There is a very large un-photographed gap in my life from about age 12 to about 22. I regret not being able to see those years in pictures. I was so convinced that I was the single most un-photogenic person on the planet. My face was to round, my hair wasn’t right, “I look fat in that one.” Ugh….When I think about all the pictures I either tore to shreds or deleted…

Why don’t we realize that while we are so busy being hard on our selves, we look perfectly fine and exactly the same to everyone else!

My ah ha moment hit me while crowded around my camera with my younger sister. We were going through the previous nights less sober shots and came across a really cute one of the two of us. My first thought was frame it! She had other ideas…

“Ew look at my arms! They look huge!”

Sister say what?! I stared at the picture and couldn’t see these gigantic arms she spoke of. Granted my eyesight is just about as good as a mole on a sunny day…I shit you not. I’ve been caught doing that squinty, nose wrinkle, upper lip curl thing while trying to spot the dude across the bar a girlfriend is slyly checking out. She’s all calm and suave and I’m just:

“Huh!? Wha guy?I don’t see a guy!”


Anyways, back on track! So After explaining to my very thin and gorgeous sister that she didn’t look anything other than beautiful and her not getting it, I came to a long overdue conclusion. Ladies, we are entirely too hard on ourselves! Where did this come from? How does it start? Is it something we’re taught as young girls? That to believe in our own beauty, we need to look a certain way? I call shenanigans!! No I’m not thin, I’m curvy! I have large features but I think it gives my face character. My hair has been returned to its natural colour. ( I will totally admit this is due to laziness and nothing else) My body may not be what today’s society deems perfect, but it’s the only one I’ve got and therefore I love it! I have even learned to love my stupid, mismatched, one, a whole size bigger than the other, feet! Now that’s love people!

Another helpful trick to my love for all things me, (photo’s included!) Is that I am the proud owner of a new friend who just happens to be a photographer 😀

I had my first experience with my very own paparazzi for our wedding this past December. As awkward as it was at first, it turned out to be really fun! We had two amazing photographer/videographers which helped put us at ease and ended up with some incredible shots. The best part? I love them! I felt so beautiful flipping through them I almost cried! And then along came “Pacca”… (That’s what my girl calls her) This is a gal who just loves to take pictures. Almost every time I see her she’s snapping away at the kids and sneaking a shot in here and there. A girlfriend of mine is also pregnant and due two days after me. (Ya we like to do the horizontal mambo at the same time, what of it…) We recently hired Pacca to shoot our double, gender reveal party. She asked us not to pay her and razzed us out when we did anyway 😛 But she deserved every penny. Long story not so short, make friends with yourself, inside and out. Oh and a photographer…trust me 😉

Miss K ❤