
Today is my brothers 23rd birthday. There are 7 years between us. If anything was going to make me feel old, my baby brother growing chest hair, facial hair, armpit hair and all other manner of hair then turning 23 was it.

From the time he was brought home, he had everyone completely and hopelessly in love with him. With chocolate-brown eyes, the impossibly thick lashes that all boys seem to get, (murrrrr) and the most charming little smile, we were all hooked. He was so freakin cute you just wanted to eat him…seriously, I think I might have  taken a bite or two…To add to his sweet baby cuteness, he was a porker. There are string bean babies, chubby babies, rolly polly’s and then there was my brother. Rolls upon rolls!  He was so fat he couldn’t bend, making him the earliest walker out of the three of us. You simply could not feed the boy enough. He was always hungry.

Fast forward a few years and the cute just didn’t seem to wear off. I remember all of my girlfriends oohing and aahhhing at him like he was a soft squishy little puppy. My little brother was in fact so cute, he could practically get away with murder. If there was trouble to get into, he was getting into it. I’ve already told the phone/saw indecent and the whole setting the carpet on fire bit. See here…There was also the time he took the dog for a walk…By himself…For 3 hours. He was 4. The dog brought him home. Good dog. He also brought my mom’s diamond engagement ring to school to give to his girlfriend. Her mom gave it back. Something about it being a bit too much…Then there was the time he shattered the sliding glass door with a dart. Or when he took part of my CD collection and sold them to his friends for cash. My personal favorite though was when he was 16. The little darling stole my car and launched it into a 6 foot ditch then proceeded to include two loonies in a Birthday card to put toward a down payment for a new one….I still have those loonies. I keep them as a reminder of just how charismatic and suave my little brother can be. He has this way of wrapping people around his boyish fingers. Women are especially helpless to his charms.

For all the shit the kid has caused in his 23 years, he’s made up for it in part by being his sweet endearing self. I think he was about 10 when I had my first experience with boy induced heartbreak. I remember him wrapping his little arms around me and saying: “want me to kill’em?” He was equally protective of our sisters more delicate teenage heart. I believe there were actual threats and possibly fists involved in defending her honor 😛 He may be the baby, but there was no shortage of body-guarding his two older sisters.

I really saw a spark in him when our niece and my daughter were born. The way he goofs around with them, the look on his face as he cradles them in his arms. I’ve gotta say, it’s nice to see there is something that can render him as hopelessly love struck as he left all of us. Chubby legged and smiling 23 years ago…

Happy Birthday Kisseyfer

Miss K ❤


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